Use Financial Literacy Content to Build Stronger Customer Relationships

Financial institutions are excellent at developing and promoting the financial products and services that meet their customers’ needs. Many FIs also offer excellent financial literacy content. But where many come up short is integrating financial education with their product marketing programs to develop stronger financial relationships with their customers or members.

Building relationships is a complex process. It can start simply by changing your customer engagement strategy to focus more on the financial consumer and their needs and less on the products and services that your bank or credit union offers. Customers are more likely to trust companies when they have a high level of engagement, and when those connections are beneficial and meaningful.

Banks and credit unions have numerous opportunities to engage or start conversations with customers and members through consumer-initiated inquiries or proactive marketing outreach. What will drive those conversations? Will they be about your financial institution or your customer?

The Problems Financial Literacy Solves

Consumers hear dozens of financial terms over the course of their lives. The words become familiar but often lack a more in-depth understanding. Consumers need information that helps them build their knowledge so they can, in turn, focus on achieving their goals. Fintactix’s financial literacy solution encompasses both personal and small business, so consumers can become educated on the topics that are most likely to be part of their financial journeys.

Connecting Financial Literacy Content to the Consumer Journey

You likely already offer the products and services your customers are looking for, but are you sure they are getting the solutions they need when they need them? Are they sure they are choosing well, or that they know all of the factors involved in big decisions? Answer these questions to your mutual benefit by connecting them to your financial education content at the right stage of the financial journey.

Financial calculators may seem like a simple tool, but presented at the right stage of the financial journey, they become a vital part of a customer’s decision-making process. Connecting product researchers to calculators and calculator users to your financial literacy content during their visit is an essential means of building trust and confidence in their decision to do business with you.

But don’t wait for them to come to you. Fintactix has developed an extensive library of articles to educate consumers about a wide variety of financial matters. Utilizing this ready resource provides a point of positive engagement with your customers through email newsletters and social media posts. Instead of always promoting a product, you can offer information and confidence.

For quick engagement, you can hardly beat quizzes and polls. Sometimes the best attention-getter is discovering that one’s knowledge could use a refresher. Fintactix understands that the interactive aspect of education encourages customers’ engagement with content.

Benefits to Customer Relationships

Education confers power and confidence. If your institution does more than just provide access to the products and services that your customers need, their trust in you increases. If you promote the tools and information they need to understand financial matters and make the right decisions, you will strengthen their loyalty to your brand.