Does it make better sense to buy or lease a new piece of equipment? That depends on several factors, such as the residual value of the equipment you intend to purchase, the amount of money you pay up front as a capitalized cost reduction and the cost of financing. A lease will usually be a more attractive option when compared to an equipment purchase when measured over a comparable term. Keep in mind that with a lease, you will have to return the equipment at the end of the lease term, whereas if you buy, you will own the equipment and will be able to continue driving it after the term expires.
Purchase or Lease Equipment?
Purchase or Lease Equipment
Purchase Option
Monthly Payment
$ 180.04
Cash Flow
$ 7,481.44
P/L Expense
$ 6,831.70
Lease Option
Monthly Payment
$ 123.08
Cash Flow
$ 5,430.88
P/L Expense
$ 5,430.88
Over the lease term, the cash flow requirements for the lease option will be $2,050.55 less than the purchase option, while the P/L Expense will be $1,400.81 more.
At the end of the lease term, you will still have additional purchase payments to make of $4,320.96 and a remaining book value for your equipment of $3,999.99.
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