The future value of your savings plan is dependent on the starting balance, additional monthly savings and the rate of return you receive on those savings. For the most accurate valuation, you will have to separate taxable accounts such as savings and CDs from your tax-deferred accounts such as 401(k)s and college 529 plans.
What Will My Savings Be Worth?
What Will My Savings Be Worth?
Taxable Savings |
Tax-Deferred Savings |
Total Savings |
This calculator is intended for informational purposes only and is considered an estimate. The accuracy of this calculator is not guaranteed by General Electric Credit Union (GECU). The calculator and its results do not constitute the advice of, or reflect actual products, services, rates, and/or terms available. Nothing contained in the calculator shall constitute an offer or solicitation of a product or service by GECU. This calculator is not intended to offer any tax, legal, financial, or investment advice. Please consult with qualified advisors to discuss your specific needs.